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- AP Art & Design Student Gallery 2020-21
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Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
This is a foundation course that emphasizes the art elements and principles of design to produce nonfunctional and functional three-dimensional art forms constructed from clay. Students may explore both functional and nonfunctional forms using hand-building, the potter’s wheel, and various other sculptural techniques. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61 Pottery/Sculpture 1
This second level course will build upon experiences in Pottery/Sculpture 1. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, and other sculptural techniques. New firing techniques, different clay bodies, new glazes and new sculpture techniques may be introduced. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61 and A62 Pottery/Sculpture 1 & 2
This third level course will build upon experiences in level 2. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, sculptural techniques, firing techniques, clay bodies, glazes and sculpture techniques. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61, A62, A63 Pottery/Sculpture 1, 2 & 3
This fourth level course will build upon experiences in level 3. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students will refine techniques and increase skill levels. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, sculptural techniques, firing techniques, clay bodies, glazes and sculpture techniques. Students will have the opportunity to mix glazes, load and fire kilns. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
This is a foundation course that emphasizes the art elements and principles of design to produce nonfunctional and functional three-dimensional art forms constructed from clay. Students may explore both functional and nonfunctional forms using hand-building, the potter’s wheel, and various other sculptural techniques. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61 Pottery/Sculpture 1
This second level course will build upon experiences in Pottery/Sculpture 1. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, and other sculptural techniques. New firing techniques, different clay bodies, new glazes and new sculpture techniques may be introduced. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61 and A62 Pottery/Sculpture 1 & 2
This third level course will build upon experiences in level 2. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, sculptural techniques, firing techniques, clay bodies, glazes and sculpture techniques. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Course Length:1 semester, 5 credits
Prerequisites:A61, A62, A63 Pottery/Sculpture 1, 2 & 3
This fourth level course will build upon experiences in level 3. Students will be challenged with more advanced techniques and problems in the area of pottery and sculpture to create both functional and nonfunctional three-dimensional forms. Students will refine techniques and increase skill levels. Students may explore in greater depth the process of hand-building, the potter’s wheel, sculptural techniques, firing techniques, clay bodies, glazes and sculpture techniques. Students will have the opportunity to mix glazes, load and fire kilns. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical clay artists.
Boulder High School Pottery/Sculpture Syllabus
Boulder High School Pottery/Sculpture Syllabus
Boulder High School’s Visual Arts Department promotes the visual arts as a form of visual communication. It is designed to develop an understanding and appreciation of artistic judgment. We seek to give students a feeling of personal satisfaction through the creative process and help them develop individual skills in the various areas of art. This course deals with three-dimensional art forms constructed from clay with an emphasis on the elements of art and principles of design. Students may investigate both functional and nonfunctional forms using the potter’s wheel, hand-building and various other sculptural techniques. Students will be keeping a sketchbook as a visual and written journal, as well as be expected to write a critique on a piece of artwork in the community. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical artists and their artwork. Firing techniques, testing and mixing glazes are explored. Opportunities for working in additional sculptural materials may come into play throughout the semester. The Pottery Classroom is an open studio that pottery students are allowed (and encouraged!) to access at any time throughout the class day, regardless of a class taking place. Pottery Students will go on 1-3 walking field trips each semester to look at art in our community.
Pottery 1
Students are introduced to construction of 3-D form in clay (with both handbuilding and throwing techniques), glazing, glaze testing and the firing process. Pottery 1 is appropriate for students new to Boulder High School’s clay program regardless of their previous experience with clay. Respect and ownership of the Pottery Studio is emphasized.
Pottery 2,3,4
Advanced students build upon experiences from Pottery 1 challenged with advanced techniques and assignments. Students take a more active role in mixing clay and glazes, loading/unloading kilns and sharing their techniques with others and ownership of the Pottery Studio.
Pottery students are expected to review with instructor what was missed in their absence, and make up missing assignments and/or studio time. Leaving class early (even if you return) without contact with the instructor will result in an unexcused absence.
Daily Points:
Pottery is a participation class. Students will earn 5 points a day for general work days, and additional points for participation in field trips, critiques, slide shows and certain demonstrations, etc. Absences (including EXEMPTED absences due to participation in sports, AP classes, etc.) and tardies (after 5 minutes) result in a loss of these daily points. Points can also be lost for poor performance such as: cell phone use, not cleaning up, doing academic homework, or poor behavior/attitude. All daily points lost due to absences or poor performance can be made up to regain points. (see “Make up” ) Daily points are posted weekly in Infinite Campus.
Make Up:
Make up time can be done throughout the semester. Students are allowed to make up absences (or poor performance days) after school, free periods, advisory periods and lunch hours. Students must fill out ‘studio make up slip’ after they have made up the time (same day) in order to receive the points. Make up slips are found in the classroom desk drawer. Extended absences (ie; lengthy illness) might be made up through special projects with teacher approval. Make ups may also be done in advance if the student knows of an upcoming absence.
Student’s grades are a direct reflection of their participation points (50 %), art projects (30%), sketchbook assignments (10%) and a variety of ‘nuts & bolts’ which includes written critiques, glaze tests, field trips, etc. ( 10%). Projects are both self-evaluated and graded by the instructor. Points are updated weekly and can be accessed through Infinite Campus. It is not my policy to “round up” a grade. A student may round up their own grade using the ample time for all projects and sketchbook entries, make-ups of participation points and assignments.
A flat fee for pottery of $35.00 covers all expenses for clay, glazes and firing costs. Student fees are updated through our treasurer when class fees are posted (after the 1st two weeks of the semester) . Visit the school website at: boh.bvsd.org and select “Online Payments”. Checks should be made payable to: Boulder High School- memo: Pottery Fee. Full or partial scholarships are available for students to cover fees with a written request from Parent or Guardian. Students should bring a combination lock for their tools. Pottery tools are on loan to students and charged if lost or broken.
Studio Climate
Pottery students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature art student manner. It is not acceptable to make bongs, pipes, pharmaceutical trays or any drug related item. Leaving a mess is dealt with as a disciplinary problem resulting in the student cleaning the pottery room after school. Safety is a top priority in this studio classroom and it is imperative that the rules surrounding safety are followed. No food in the Pottery Studio. Boulder High policy is that ALL electronics are put away when students enter the classroom including earbuds. IPODS are allowed during individual work time, but never during lectures, slide shows, videos and other group discussion time. IPODS can be a great focusing tool, but I believe that the interaction between fellow students during class time is far more valuable, so I encourage students not to have them in class. Texting should be done during passing period, not class time. Please leave cell phones OFF and use the wall clock in the classroom. Students must ask to use Internet on your cell phone and IPODS.
Kate Villarreal
Boulder High Fine Art Department
[email protected] 720.561.2316
To view entire Boulder High Pottery course syllabus, go to: www.boulderhighart.com
Class Fee $35.00 can be paid on line after the first two weeks of the semester: boh.bvsd.org . Select “on-line payments”
Boulder High Pottery Students occasionally have an opportunity to go on a walking field trip during the class time. Students are not allowed to travel in a car during class time, which limits our trips to nearby venues. If your student has your permission to attend these walking field trips, please sign below. Students are expected to act appropriately on the field trip.
I give my permission for ________________________________________to go on class
(student) related field trips, knowing that they will be within walking distance of BHS and supervised by a teacher.
___________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The Art Department has a wonderful website! Check out what our students are up to at: www.boulderhighart.com
School Name: Boulder High School
I______________________________________________parent/guardian of
(please sign your name)
________________________________________________ give my
(please print your students name)
permission to Boulder High School to post artwork by my child and images of my child (within the context of the art class) on the school website, school slide shows and publications.
Student: Please take a moment to let me know (write below) the name that you would like me to use and your preferred pronoun.
Boulder High Pottery Students occasionally have an opportunity to go on a walking field trip during the class time. Students are not allowed to travel in a car during class time, which limits our trips to nearby venues. If your student has your permission to attend these field trips, please sign below. Students are expected to act appropriately on the field trip.
I give my permission for ________________________________________to go on class
(student) related field trips, knowing that they will be within walking distance of BHS and supervised by a teacher.
___________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The Art Department has a wonderful website! Check out what our students are up to at: www.boulderhighart.com
School Name: Boulder High School
I______________________________________________parent/guardian of
(please sign your name)
________________________________________________ give my
(please print your students name)
permission to Boulder High School to post artwork by my child and images of my child (within the context of the art class) on the school website, school slide shows and publications.
Student: Please take a moment to let me know (write below) if there is a different name (or nickname) that you would like me to use other than what I have listed from Infinite Campus and if you would prefer me to use a different pronoun than what I have listed.
Boulder High School Pottery/Sculpture Syllabus
Boulder High School’s Visual Arts Department promotes the visual arts as a form of visual communication. It is designed to develop an understanding and appreciation of artistic judgment. We seek to give students a feeling of personal satisfaction through the creative process and help them develop individual skills in the various areas of art. This course deals with three-dimensional art forms constructed from clay with an emphasis on the elements of art and principles of design. Students may investigate both functional and nonfunctional forms using the potter’s wheel, hand-building and various other sculptural techniques. Students will be keeping a sketchbook as a visual and written journal, as well as be expected to write a critique on a piece of artwork in the community. Students will be exposed to contemporary and historical artists and their artwork. Firing techniques, testing and mixing glazes are explored. Opportunities for working in additional sculptural materials may come into play throughout the semester. The Pottery Classroom is an open studio that pottery students are allowed (and encouraged!) to access at any time throughout the class day, regardless of a class taking place. Pottery Students will go on 1-3 walking field trips each semester to look at art in our community.
Pottery 1
Students are introduced to construction of 3-D form in clay (with both handbuilding and throwing techniques), glazing, glaze testing and the firing process. Pottery 1 is appropriate for students new to Boulder High School’s clay program regardless of their previous experience with clay. Respect and ownership of the Pottery Studio is emphasized.
Pottery 2,3,4
Advanced students build upon experiences from Pottery 1 challenged with advanced techniques and assignments. Students take a more active role in mixing clay and glazes, loading/unloading kilns and sharing their techniques with others and ownership of the Pottery Studio.
Pottery students are expected to review with instructor what was missed in their absence, and make up missing assignments and/or studio time. Leaving class early (even if you return) without contact with the instructor will result in an unexcused absence.
Daily Points:
Pottery is a participation class. Students will earn 5 points a day for general work days, and additional points for participation in field trips, critiques, slide shows and certain demonstrations, etc. Absences (including EXEMPTED absences due to participation in sports, AP classes, etc.) and tardies (after 5 minutes) result in a loss of these daily points. Points can also be lost for poor performance such as: cell phone use, not cleaning up, doing academic homework, or poor behavior/attitude. All daily points lost due to absences or poor performance can be made up to regain points. (see “Make up” ) Daily points are posted weekly in Infinite Campus.
Make Up:
Make up time can be done throughout the semester. Students are allowed to make up absences (or poor performance days) after school, free periods, advisory periods and lunch hours. Students must fill out ‘studio make up slip’ after they have made up the time (same day) in order to receive the points. Make up slips are found in the classroom desk drawer. Extended absences (ie; lengthy illness) might be made up through special projects with teacher approval. Make ups may also be done in advance if the student knows of an upcoming absence.
Student’s grades are a direct reflection of their participation points (50 %), art projects (30%), sketchbook assignments (10%) and a variety of ‘nuts & bolts’ which includes written critiques, glaze tests, field trips, etc. ( 10%). Projects are both self-evaluated and graded by the instructor. Points are updated weekly and can be accessed through Infinite Campus. It is not my policy to “round up” a grade. A student may round up their own grade using the ample time for all projects and sketchbook entries, make-ups of participation points and assignments.
A flat fee for pottery of $35.00 covers all expenses for clay, glazes and firing costs. Student fees are updated through our treasurer when class fees are posted (after the 1st two weeks of the semester) . Visit the school website at: boh.bvsd.org and select “Online Payments”. Checks should be made payable to: Boulder High School- memo: Pottery Fee. Full or partial scholarships are available for students to cover fees with a written request from Parent or Guardian. Students should bring a combination lock for their tools. Pottery tools are on loan to students and charged if lost or broken.
Studio Climate
Pottery students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature art student manner. It is not acceptable to make bongs, pipes, pharmaceutical trays or any drug related item. Leaving a mess is dealt with as a disciplinary problem resulting in the student cleaning the pottery room after school. Safety is a top priority in this studio classroom and it is imperative that the rules surrounding safety are followed. No food in the Pottery Studio. Boulder High policy is that ALL electronics are put away when students enter the classroom including earbuds. IPODS are allowed during individual work time, but never during lectures, slide shows, videos and other group discussion time. IPODS can be a great focusing tool, but I believe that the interaction between fellow students during class time is far more valuable, so I encourage students not to have them in class. Texting should be done during passing period, not class time. Please leave cell phones OFF and use the wall clock in the classroom. Students must ask to use Internet on your cell phone and IPODS.
Kate Villarreal
Boulder High Fine Art Department
[email protected] 720.561.2316
To view entire Boulder High Pottery course syllabus, go to: www.boulderhighart.com
Class Fee $35.00 can be paid on line after the first two weeks of the semester: boh.bvsd.org . Select “on-line payments”
Boulder High Pottery Students occasionally have an opportunity to go on a walking field trip during the class time. Students are not allowed to travel in a car during class time, which limits our trips to nearby venues. If your student has your permission to attend these walking field trips, please sign below. Students are expected to act appropriately on the field trip.
I give my permission for ________________________________________to go on class
(student) related field trips, knowing that they will be within walking distance of BHS and supervised by a teacher.
___________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The Art Department has a wonderful website! Check out what our students are up to at: www.boulderhighart.com
School Name: Boulder High School
I______________________________________________parent/guardian of
(please sign your name)
________________________________________________ give my
(please print your students name)
permission to Boulder High School to post artwork by my child and images of my child (within the context of the art class) on the school website, school slide shows and publications.
Student: Please take a moment to let me know (write below) the name that you would like me to use and your preferred pronoun.
Boulder High Pottery Students occasionally have an opportunity to go on a walking field trip during the class time. Students are not allowed to travel in a car during class time, which limits our trips to nearby venues. If your student has your permission to attend these field trips, please sign below. Students are expected to act appropriately on the field trip.
I give my permission for ________________________________________to go on class
(student) related field trips, knowing that they will be within walking distance of BHS and supervised by a teacher.
___________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The Art Department has a wonderful website! Check out what our students are up to at: www.boulderhighart.com
School Name: Boulder High School
I______________________________________________parent/guardian of
(please sign your name)
________________________________________________ give my
(please print your students name)
permission to Boulder High School to post artwork by my child and images of my child (within the context of the art class) on the school website, school slide shows and publications.
Student: Please take a moment to let me know (write below) if there is a different name (or nickname) that you would like me to use other than what I have listed from Infinite Campus and if you would prefer me to use a different pronoun than what I have listed.